Dear Dreamcatcher “Crash Course” participants,

Greetings! … and welcome to the Dreamcatcher project.


You might be wondering what you are letting yourselves in for – so I will try to prepare you as best I can. Keep scrolling down for all the information!



First of all, you may be asking: “Who is this for?”

The answer is: YOU!

EVERYONE is welcome!

The Dreamcatcher Community Project is inclusive of ALL ages, abilities and degrees of knowledge and experience.

Everyone has something to offer.

Everyone has something to learn.


“What is a Crash Course?”

It’s a really fun, lightning speed way of learning lots of information all at once and then getting ready to share what you’ve learned – all within a couple of hours!


Next … allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Claire Elizabeth Barratt (also known by my artist moniker CillaVee)

I’m the director of Cilla Vee Life Arts, an interdisciplinary arts organization – meaning that we create art projects using a variety of art forms – from visual arts to performance to literature and media arts.


Claire (aka CillaVee)

What is the Dreamcatcher Project about?


The full title of the project is:

“The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher”

and it uses the Native American Dreamcatcher to explore connections between hidden systems of communication in nature and in the human mind


dreamcatcher lit up at night


The art forms we use are:



+ Sculpture and Weaving

(the Dreamcatcher is a large woven sculpture)

+ Costuming

(to make the performers look like part of the sculpture)

+ Performance methods of movement theater and vocal chanting

(including Motion Sculpture, Archetypal Gestures, Durational Performance and the Greek Chorus)


Some Dreamcatcher performances might also include other arts – such as:

+ Instrumental Drone

+ Poetry

+ Video or light projection


dreamcatcher sculpture



There are several different themes, which we link together and see how they are all connected:



+ Theme ONE is environmental

and looks at the subterranean mycorrhizal fungal networks that carry communication between trees in a forest.


+ Theme TWO is human

and looks at the brain’s neural networks that connect the systems inside our bodies and with the rest of the world.


+ Theme THREE is spiritual

and looks at how connected all humans are through the archetypes and myths of our dream world.


+ Theme FOUR is cultural

and looks at the Native American Dreamcatcher as a traditional sacred talisman and native craft.


It is the Dreamcatcher that combines all of these art forms and themes into a unified piece.


mycorrhizal fungal networks underground

neural networks in the brain

native american dreamcatcher


What will we do in our Dreamcatcher “Crash Course” workshop?



+ Share information about the Dreamcatcher project themes


+ Practice the performance methods


+ Learn how to interact with the Dreamcatcher sculpture


+ Develop a costume that feels right for you



What to bring?


+ White underclothes to wear with costume

(Leggings, shorts, tank tops etc.)

Plus any items of White clothing and accessories as costume options


There will be costume pieces provided as well.


+ Symbolic objects

Objects that hold some meaning to you.

The color theme is WHITE or CLEAR / transparent – but if there is a symbolic object of another color you want to bring, that’s fine too.


(Objects might be attached to the Dreamcatcher or placed on the ground, depending on their size and weight.)


symbolic object - feather



After our Dreamcatcher “Crash Course” workshop, you will be fully equipped to participate in The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher performance with Cilla Vee Life Arts!


Each occasion will be slightly different – depending on the location, the group of participants and other variables. The details will all be defined during the workshop process and everyone will feel clear and confident about what they are doing.


Still “clear as mud”?

DON’T WORRY! … Just come along.

You can enjoy the “Crash Course” process – and if you don’t feel comfortable joining the performance afterwards then you can decide to opt out

– No problem!





If you want to get a head start and arrive with some knowledge and thoughts to share, feel free to research any of the project themes and practices beforehand.

Here is a comprehensive list of subjects to guide your search:


+ Dreamcatcher as Native American Sacred Talisman

+ Environmental role of Mycorrhizal Fungi

+ Neurology of the Human Brain

+ The Collective Unconscious, Archetypes and Dreams

(based on Carl Jung psychology)

+ Performance Studies – Durational Performance / Performance Installation

+ Theater Studies – Role of the Greek Chorus

+ Archetypal Gesture Work

(based on Michael Chekhov movement theater method)

+ Motion Sculpture Movement

(based on CillaVee Living Art method)

+ Vocal Chanting and Musical Drone

+ Weaving as an Expanded Practice



For a detailed project description:




And please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments:

Claire: cillaveelifearts@gmail.com








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