
Showing posts from April, 2024

Dreamcatcher Beginnings

  Cilla Vee Life Arts   The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher   a Motion Sculpture Movement Installation durational performance and evolving sculpture       DREAMCATCHER BEGINNINGS   Creation of prototype Dreamcatcher sculpture   Debut public performance at Black Mountain College Museum’s 12 th {Re}Happening on Lake Eden April 2024           I decided to use a flexible vacuum cleaner hose as a base, so it can easily be folded and transported.     The sculptural form creates only the top arch, rather than a full circle. From this a network of supporting threads is woven, from which to attach the materials.     I cut an assortment of white fabrics into long strips using spiral and wavey or zigzag shapes. These were then woven through the net structure.     Once in situ at Lake Eden, the Dreamcatcher was hoisted up into a tree on the island and attached to branches about 15 feet high.     Througho

Dreamcatcher Project Description

THE RHIZOMATIC COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS DREAMCATCHER     Cilla Vee Life Arts   The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher   a Motion Sculpture Movement Installation durational performance and evolving sculpture   + + + + + + + + +   PROJECT OVERVIEW     Brief Project Summary: The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher is a performance and sculpture installation that draws on traditions of weaving to express recurring forms in nature. This work explores the crucial networks and systems of unification and connection in the natural environment and in human society by comparing mycorrhizal fungi with the neural networks of the mind and our Collective Unconscious – its expression in archetypal myths and dreams.   Project Context – The Rhizomatic Collective Unconscious Dreamcatcher is part of a larger on-going, continuously evolving project entitled RAW-(Material), which explores the raw materials of th